2012 {Stories of our Faith}

Memory verse ~ "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." - 1 Sam 3:9

Week of June 10th
Week of June 17th
  • Say it! Read 1 Kings 18: Elijah hears a still, small voice
  • Play it! Act out wind, earthquake, fire, whisper. Listen for God in the world. While outside (on a walk, playing in the yard, at the park) close your eyes and listen. Talk about what you hear? How does that show God working in the world? Create an illustration (on paper, chalk on the sidewalk, on the computer or Ipad) of what you heard.
  • Pray it! Practice talking quiet deep breaths with our eyes closed (or open is okay!). Remember how we heard God working in the world? On each breath, say one word for each thing we heard.
  • Song: "In the Secret" by Andy Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYrXNEyjXak
Week of June 24th
  • Say it! Read Luke 10: Jesus visits with Mary and Martha
  • Play it! This one is for the grown-ups: take some time to be intentional about playing and listening to your children. Put down the phone, forget the laundry, get on the floor and just play. Model Jesus' message that listening to each other and being together shows and shares God's love.
  • Pray it! Discuss: what do you think Jesus was telling Mary? Turn your prayer into the telephone game: whisper a short prayer in your child's ear and see if they can repeat it. ("Thank you, God, for our family.") Then give your child a turn.
  • Song: "Here I am to Worship" by Tim Hughes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aL_nwLj07s
July theme: FIRE AND WATER
Memory verses ~
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you." - Isaiah 43:2
"Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground" - Exodus 3:5
"I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." - Mark 1:8

Week of July 1st
  • Say it! Read Isaiah 43, listen to the song
  • Play it! Have safe fun with fire and water this week: enjoy a campfire or fireworks, go swimming, play in the sprinkler
  • Pray it! During mealtime prayers remember Isaiah 43:2 and talk about where you saw fire and/or water today.
  • Song: "Isaiah 43" by Hillsong United http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23jeSAlB_GE
Week of July 8
  • Say it! Read Exodus 3: 1-12: Moses and the burning bush
  • Play it! Play safely with fire: make s'mores! Play a game with sandals: gather all the sandals and flip-flops in your house. Line of half on one end of the yard, half on the other. Start on one end with a pair of sandals, move to the other end and change to another pair, move back and change again. Keep going until you've worn all the pairs. How fast can you go? The adult can change it up by calling out different ways to move as you go: run, skip, gallop, tip-toe, walk backwards, walk zig-zag, etc.
  • Pray it! Pray the memory verse, Exodus 3:5. Talk about places in your house that might be "holy ground." Thank God for the places that make you feel safe, loved, happy, content, or energized.
  • Song: "Light the Fire" by MercyMe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwYFm9B0AdY
Week of July 15
  • Say it! Read Mark 1: 1-11: John baptizes Jesus
  • Play it! Godly play: have fun playing, thinking about, and reinacting immersion baptism at the pool or with cups and buckets of water in the backyard.
  • Pray it! Look at pictures and mementos from your child's baptism (or the baptisms of others if your child has not yet been baptized). Talk to friends and family who were there and can tell your child what they remember. Do you remember the words or prayers spoken at the baptism? Bless your child with a reaffirmation of baptismal vows.
  • Song: "Fill my Cup" by Isaiah Jones, Jr.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEKV8K1q8Tg
Week of July 22 - July 31
  • Say it! Read John 13: Jesus washes his disciples' feet
  • Play it! Of course, foot washing! Grown-ups can sit with their feet in the tub during bathtime to share in some foot rubbing and scrubbing. Maybe get out the files and polish and extend into some home pedicure time together.
  • Pray it! Live your prayer this week by finding a way to be a servant. How can you serve each other? Brainstorm a list and have each family member choose at least one way to serve others this week. At bedtime prayers, thank God for the grace to serve and be served.
  • Song: The Water by James Hersch http://tweetmysong.com/v11jl4
August theme: MANY NAMES
Memory verses ~
"...and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." - Rev 21:6

August 1st - 11th
Week of August 12th
  • Say it! Read Rev 21:6
  • Play it! Talk about the words "Alpha" and "Omega", beginning and end. Do an activity that has a beginning and an end...read a story, play a board game (Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, The Very Hungry Catterpillar)
  • Pray it! Bookend your day with prayer together-- say a prayer and the beginning of your day and the end of your day.
  • Song: "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" by Rick Founds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYBUGhWQdLA
August 19 - 31
  • Say it! Does your child have a name (first or middle) in the Bible? If not, can you think of friends or family members (maybe even pets!) whose names might be in the Bible? Search out the stories that include those names. For us, our children's names are found in:
    • Luke 1: Elizabeth
    • Acts 8: Philip
    • book of James
    • Genesis 18: Sarah
    • Acts 6 & 7: Stephen
  • Play it! Hunt for names in the Bible. Talk about how your child's name was chosen. What does God name you? (Beloved, Chosen, Adopted, Redeemed...)
  • Pray it! Bless each member of your family by laying hands on them and saying their name.
  • Songs: "He Knows My Name" by Tommy Walker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC8puwexBBo  On the Day You Were Born by Red Grammar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNwTji3TsKw

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