Our method for taking Bible verses to heart:
Say it! The Word of God is meant to be spoken out loud, listened to, and discussed. How many ways can we interact with the text?
Activity ideas: Songs; Chants; Rhymes; Chorale Reading; Readers Theater; Posting on the walls and "reading the room"; Calling a friend or relative and sharing the verse; What questions do you have about this verse? Use your questions to spark a family discussion
Play it! Learning God's Word should not feel like work, and we aim to give it an element of fun. In what ways can we help children understand the meaning of the verse?
Activity ideas: Crafts: make a place mat, write/color with sidewalk chalk, get out the glue and glitter or finger paints, make a poster, use play-dough, make a card for a friend or relative; Games: scavenger hunts, relay races, board games; Recipes; Field Trips: science museum, pool; Outdoor fun; Service Projects: bringing food to the food shelf, giving of time or talents at church, visiting a neighbor, giving a gift
Pray it! God's Word becomes a part of us when we commit it to memory. What better way to talk with God than to use the words God gave us? How can we use these verses every day to grow closer to God?
Activity ideas: Use verse as mealtime prayer or bedtime prayer; Create a prayer journal; Highlight verse in our Bible; Color a mandala page or prayer picture with the verse printed on it; Practice taking deep breaths while reciting the verse; Recite the verse while doing gross motor activities: stretching our bodies or practicing yoga poses, walking a balance beam (or chalk line on the driveway), pumping on the swing, doing jumping jacks; Clap (or stomp, tap, swish, etc.) the words of the verse as we recite