My girls have a well-established flair for the dramatic (I know you're curious where that may have come from?) and this week's study of the call of Samuel was fodder for great material. Perhaps taking her cue from Darth Vader, Sarah cupped her hands around her mouth and dropped her voice as low as she possibly could, yelling out "Samuel! Samuel!" In each of our role playing I of course played the role of Eli, allowing me the briefest of naptimes on the couch during each of the three intervals. (This Home School VBS thing has its perks!) We have sinced giggled through the week at calling one another in the deepest voice we can, culminating in a phone call to our friends Brady and Connor. (Three calls in fact, as Samuel was called three times!)
The story inspired other dramatic moments as well, like when the girls and I joined hands to pray about listening to God's call and mid-prayer Sarah slaps Elizabeth in the arm. Stopping to ask what happened, it became clear big sister no longer wanted to hold hands with little sister, leading to the discussion "Is God calling us to hurt each other or love each other?!?" And later, "Is God calling us to be rude or kind?" And finally a discussion with myself, "Is God calling you to bang their heads together or merely send them to their rooms?"
Thankfully God's voice continued to call out to Samuel as he continues to call to us. May God's voice of love be loud and clear to you this week!
Let it be noted that the reception of these phone messages was met with an equal amount of laughter/hilarity as is evident in the video. :)